For some reason, it seems like the older I get, the more "phobias" I get... Why? - phobias more condition_treatment
He started looking for me, the fear of birds. Then the error. And the seeds .... And many other things that bothered me about a year.
What is wrong with me?
This is a difficult and responsible. First, it is interesting to see how you wrote phobias quotes. Are these "phobias" real phobias, insects and microbes, or just really bothers you? To have a real phobia, what conditions must meet the following conditions (if you are diagnosed with these phobias and then when it ... you probably already know ... but if not read, too, ...):
- The fear of the object is persistent and intense. The fear can be lived even in the perspective of fear or dread in the situation.
- If the person who actually sees the object or situation, the fear usually begins immediately. Fear can be so hard to be a panic attack.
- Adults with phobias know that their specificare excessive and irrational fears.
- A person you can avoid the dreaded object or situation. If the person is exposed to the situation is the fear of intense
and most important ...
- Extreme anxiety and / or avoid the object or situation can significantly affect daily functioning of a normal man: work, school, relationships, social interaction, and / or routine. The person may spend much time worrying about the phobia.
The key here is that the object of the normal daily operation, which impeded. The reason I bring it, because maybe their "fear" of insects and microbes, the normal reactions to things you are upset. Errors can have serious consequences and engMS are evil little things.
When phobias interfere significantly with your life, you need to speak with a therapist. This is the only way to tackle the root of the problem. As we get older, afraid to change things (physically, mentally, emotionally, etc..) Unfortunately, it is not always a clear answer as to why we are the things that they are afraid. But the only way to find out is to talk to a qualified technician is able to steer you in the right direction so you can find the answers you seek. Hope this helps ...
Perhaps your fear of all developments, such as multiple phobias.but, the best way to get rid of phobias faces. Feed the birds catch some ladybugs. I used to hurt. How to say im sorry, but germs are everywhere. No matter where you go on the skin on her bed in a doorknob, you think that is everywhere one who has to overcome because they are everywhere, and there's nothing you can do about it
Transfer your fears of things that you believe that you do something.
I'm not too much I'm getting older, but when I became very old, I let nothing bother me too much (with the exception of seeds ... I'm a handwashing ......).. .. .
"Ah haa haa haa ... Sorry, this gender issue was a matter of a deeply funny, and why? Because it's true ... OMG, must reconsider my priorities ...
Thank you,
Because you are smart and know how the world really works.
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